Management information system From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Management Information Systems (MIS) focuses on the management of information systems to provide efficiency and effectiveness of strategic decision making. The concept may include systems termed transaction processing system, decision support systems, expert systems, and executive information systems. The term MIS is often used in the business schools. Some of MIS contents are overlapping…

Introduction of Cyber Law Acts in Malaysia

at Posted by Mohamed Afique Just like other countries, Malaysia also is also involved in evolution of technology. Internet has become a necessities for everybody in business, communicate socializing and many more. Despite being a positive tool for users, there are some of irresponsible people that are using internet in negative way such as online…

Types of Information System and the Classic Pyramid Model

Why are there different types of Information System? In the early days of computing, each time an information system was needed it was ‘tailor made’ – built as a one-off solution for a particular problem. However, it soon became apparent that many of the problems information systems set out to solve shared certain characteristics. Consequently,…